ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
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ABOUT "PEP LIFESTYLE PROGRAM" WEBPAGES Dietary, Lifestyle and Therapeutic Education
PEP Binder - this is a short term we use for the Clinical Nutrition Reports and Personal (Lifestyle) Education Program (PEP) Binder you received with your test results.
PEP Article - this is the term for Dietary, Lifestyle and Therapeutic Educational literature, which is provided when a client requires additional information to assist in healing or to implement dietary and lifestyle changes. Some PEP Articles are free and others are fee-based.
Client Only Email Announcements: An email announcement is sent to notify our clients when we add new educational documents to the following web pages.
PEP LIFESTYLE PROGRAM - Information below is about the web pages that appear when your mouse cursor is over this web page, listed in the Table of Contents. When a particular fee-based consultation with Dr. Smith includes PEP Articles to complete the educational information provided at the consultation, the client will be provided with the passcodes to open the PEP Lifestyle Program web page that applies to that consultation. Therefore, all of the web pages below have different passcodes from the general client only webpage passcodes, except for the PEP Binder Documents web page. .
PEP BINDER DOCUMENTS - This web page provides PEP Binder documents (which may include worksheets, forms, reports and/or FREE educational literature) for clients to open, print and insert into their PEP Binder.
The section of the PEP Binder where the document(s) is to be inserted is indicated.
The Title of the Consultation with Dr. Smith, that corresponds to the documents to be used at that consultation, is also provided. Therefore, in preparation for and prior to the pre-scheduled consultation appointment date, please print its related documents on the PEP Binder Documents web page. If the title is a series of consultations, print its documents before the first appointment scheduled for the series.
HEALTH CHEST EDUCATION - After a clients have concluded the 90-minute Health Chest Consultation, they are provided the passcodes for this web page so they may receive the PEP Articles to complete this consultation.
HEALTH EQUIPMENT - After completing the Lifestyle Coaching Consultation that pertains to the web page, the client is provided passcodes for this web page.
LIFESTYLE COACHING - After completing the Lifestyle Coaching Consultation(s) that pertains to
the web page, the client is provided passcodes for this web page.
MIND & BODY MAINTENANCE - After completing the Mind and Body Maintenance series of consultations, clients are provided the passcodes for this web page so they may receive their Mind and Body Maintenance Worksheet and any other related PEP Articles.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
.NET 8/22/18
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of some website addresses as an attempt to designate "secure" vs. "unsecure" website. They are particularly interested in adding padlocks to website to assure the public that websites with shopping carts are secure for financial transactions, and not so much as a way to say the website is free of malware.
Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.