ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
Three Reasons Why Some People May Hesitate To Order Clinical Nutrition Testing Today! Titles of Sections In This Webpage
#1 Imaginedvs. Reality Cost
#2 - Busy Schedule
(However, We make time for our priorities.
So is being and staying Healthy a priority?
#3 No Previous Experience That Clinical Nutrition Works!
(The Truth is ....It does. Clinical Nutrition Works!)
It Costs Nothing To Get All of Your Questions Answered To Make A Fully-Informed Decision That Is Best For You!
#1 - Imagined vs. Reality Cost
first of three reasons people delay choosing testing first, is they are
concerned about the cost. However, we generally find that it is the "imagined" cost that makes them hesitate. Your telephone consultation with Dr. Smith will provide the "reality" cost, so you know what to expect when you are ready for testing and you know what to prepare for financially, if you need to.
may be surprised that your "imagined" cost is not anything like what
you thought. Has that ever happen to you before? Sure, it happens to
all of us -- it's that "unknown" factor that worries or concerns us
more than the "reality." So, let us shine some light on the unknown
for you.
We think you will be glad you scheduled your Inquiry
Consultation with Dr. Smith. (And at the very least, you get to meet
the person who's commitment to health and caring for her clients has
led to all of the free nutritional-health education and free services
available in this website.
#2 - Busy Schedule
The second reason people hesitate is their current busy schedule -- they may think they need time to complete some projects and get prepared for the ultimate and most important project of all, their health and longevity.
It is true they do want to prepare themselves, however, if this is you, keep in mind that, it will take 4-6 weeks to be tested, analyzed, program designed to receive and get started on your program.
So, it would be a more efficient use of your time to get tested now, and while you are waiting for your therapeutic supplement and dietary program, finish projects so you can open some time to focus on the organizational process of your program.
Once you are use to how your program works, you will have it so integrated into your lifestyle it will become like brushing your teeth.
(Continued from #2 Busy Schedule) Set Will of Determination
"We either Take Time For Our Health Now or Make Time For Our Disease Later!"
Busy People, generally, get more accomplished than those who are not. They know how to manage their time and stay on track with the priorities of life. So your first question is "How important is your health, to you?" Without our health we cannot serve and bless those we care about or enjoy what we enjoy in life.
So Busy People just simply need to Set their Will -- Stay Determined To Start Clinical Nutrition now or keep it at the top of their list to call back within a few weeks.
We find that people who put off starting the testing process, when they were in the same place where you are right now, reading this, may forget to set their will of determination to return.
If action is not taken right now to order testing, other projects fill the void as they complete current projects, so you must set your will of determination that nothing is going to keep you from following through.
People who have allowed this to happen, in time, may return and we often hear them say, "I can't believe three months or three years has passed, since I first read your website and thought, "I will order testing when receive my next paycheck or after I have paid this bill or that bill off this month."
Looking back, I don't know what was so important, because now I feel worse than I ever. Had I started then, just think how much better I would be feeling right now."
It is a fact that only by applying the principles of Clinical Nutrition, Dietetics and other holistic education and therapies, will you be able to assist your body in healing itself at a cellular and tissue level.
Your body and mind is only as healthy as your cells.
If you want proof, read Dr. Smith's Article, "What Is In Our Cells Is Proof Drugs Don't Heal" and the Diagram of the Cell's Metabolism.
For information on ordering, click here "Articles Library" (Continue at #3 No Previous Experience That Clinical Nutrition and Naturopathy Works!)
#3 No Previous Experience That Clinical Nutritionand Naturopathy Works?
third hesitation we encounter is the fact that in the lifetime of those
alive today, who were born in the 20th century, drugs and surgery
may be all they know.
If they had any previous experience in clinical
nutrition and naturopathy, they would have no hesitation, no doubts and
complete confidence in the truths we are sharing here.
You may
be among those, too, unless by some serendipitous event, having
grandparents who passed on the knowledge of medicinal herbs and foods,
were born into the family of or were a friend or client of a
nutritional health care professional.
If it were not for some key
nutritional professionals and naturopathic doctors, who has studied and
preserved this knowledge from the late 19th century through to the
time of its re-emergence in the 1970's, this information could have
been lost.
Realize that we live in the 21st Century, and our history
shows us that except for about 100 years (from approximately 1870's to 1970's) out
of the entire thousands of years in the existence of mankind, well over 2, 000 years, has drugs
and surgery been the primary system in human health care.
The cause of illness and disease has always been and always be malnutrition, poor sanitation and hygiene, accidental injury and toxicity (chemicals and heavy metals).
1974, 80% of American's were taking vitamins (PDR 2007) and the
knowledge of the clinical nutrition and naturopathic research and
principles included in this website started to spread like wild fire.
a person has no experience, referral from friends or family or even
trusted third-party knowledge that Clinical Nutrition and Naturopathy
really works, the third reason for someone to hesitate in obtaining our
services, right now, is due to lack of experience.
Experience brings
knowledge and knowledge brings confidence and trust. that their
financial investment is worth the services for which they are paying.
this is you, we recommend that you start with a small investment and
build your confidence through your own personal success in utilizing
our services. It is a fact, that if you keep doing what you are doing,
your health will continue processing in the direction it is presently
It Costs Nothing To Get All Of Your Questions Answered To Make A Fully Informed Decision That Is Best For You!
Whether it is "imagined" cost, your schedule, your lack of previous experience or knowledge, or some
other reason, that is preventing you from deciding to start testing,
right now, we ask you to first complete the Inquiry Questionnaire and then call us to schedule your Inquiry Consultation with Dr. Smith,
before you leave our website or make any final decisions.
are comfortable with sharing your reasons for delaying testing
with Dr. Smith, please do so, because if there is anything she can do
to help you,
she will.
After all, after reading as much as you have already in our
website, isn't the truth (in your heart and mind) that you really do
want your own nutritional biochemistry tested?
Yes! No?
Isn't is
true that you would prefer to eat foods and take supplements that are
based on testing, instead of guessing?
Yes! No?
If you said, "Yes, I
really do want my biochemistry tested!"
Then Dr. Smith will answer all
your questions, share which test(s) you need, and give you the
"reality" cost.
Then, you will know for sure whether, or not, you can
invest in testing and your clinical nutrition program right now, or later.
same is true If you
said, no, to these questions.
How can anyone say yes, or no, and know
that it is the right decision, unless they are fully informed, and
until you know what the "reality" cost for your special needs, you
truly do not have all the information you need to make a decision.
We want to thank you in advance and say we look forward to receiving your Inquiry Questionnaire today, and scheduling your telephone appointment with Dr. Smith, so that
all your questions get answered and you are fully equipped to make an
informed decision about ordering Clinical Nutrition Testing.
If you have not yet completed one or more of our scientific research-based Free Evaluations, we recommend you do this now, as your evaluation results will help you make this informed decision.
With Vitamin Deficiency Testing
Soon, you, too, will improve your health, increase energy, manage weight, control appetite, balancehormones, strengthen bones, boost mental function, regenerate cells, heal tissue, promote anti-aging, prevent disease, and enhance life and sports performance....just as thousands of clients have done before you.
Still Not Sure You Are Ready To Order Testing?
Deciding to order your clinical nutrition analysis of laboratory testing (blood, urine, saliva, hair, stool, etc.) is an important decision.
To make the right decision, one must be informed of all the facts. Therefore, before you make this decision, please get all the facts by reading this web page, after reading the following web pages, in the order listed.
To make the best decision for yourself, it is important to consider what your current state of
health is costing your right now and how ordering your testing will actually save you time, money and avoid further delays in your healing.
On this web page, you will understand the three reasons people may hesitate to order clinical
nutrition testing. After reading these web pages, you will be fully informed and ready to make your final decision to order testing, especially if you have subscribed to our newsletter, so you may complete one or more of our Free Evaluations,
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Last Website Update: 01/10/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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