ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS (BCA) REPORT This website provides education and research information to help you understand your specific test results. Your BCA Report also includes a FREE Report of Findings Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith
(Provided at no charge as Consultation is included with BCA Test)
It is very important that you thoroughly understand the value of the BCA Report if you are interested in improving your health, increasing energy, balancing hormones, strengthening your immune system, building strong bones and muscles, improving mental clarity and memory, detoxifying chemicals from drugs, foods and from environmental exposures, enhancing life and sports performance, reversing disease patterns, and preventing disease.
After you have reviewed the informaton on this webpage, please call our office at (940) 761-4045 to schedule a Free Report of Findings Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith. At this consultation you can get answers to questions you have from reading your report and this website information, as well as discuss with Dr. Smith how she can help you improve your test results (i.e., improve your health), if you so desire. There is no obligation and you will not be contacted again after this Report of Findings consultation if you decline starting Clinical Nutrition Therapy.
Depending upon your personal health, fitness and sports performance "improvement and maintenance" goals, whether this be for the purpose of Precision, Maintenance or Prevention, Dr. Smith recommends retesting your Body Comnposition Monthly, Quarterly or Annually as explained below.
PRECISION - If you are currently making changes in your diet, supplements, lifestyle, exercise routine and/or sports performance training for competition, to succeed in your goals, you need timely feedback regarding your actions and efforts. Therefore, you want to retest your Body Composition every 30 days to assure that the changes you are making are acconplishing your health, fitness and performanc goals, such as promoting healthy cell growth and regeneration, losing fat and not muscle, promoting hydration vs. dehydration, etc. In other words, building health and not breaking it down.
MAINTENANCE- If you are satisifed with your current Body Composition Results having attained your goals and you want to assure that you are maintaining your current satified level of health, fitness and sports performance at a celluar and tissue level, you want to retest your Body Composition every 90 days so you can evaluate if you are truly maintaining optimal BCA test values.
PREVENTION - If you are not currently pursuing any current changes (Precision) or actively working to maintain your current level of health, fitness or sports performance, however, you do want to be retested at just the right time to be alerted should your level of health reguire intervention to "prevent" health challenges and the development of disease, then having your Body Composition tested every 12 months is sufficient.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
.NET 8/22/18
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of some website addresses as an attempt to designate "secure" vs. "unsecure" website. They are particularly interested in adding padlocks to website to assure the public that websites with shopping carts are secure for financial transactions, and not so much as a way to say the website is free of malware.
Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.