ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
If You Can Say Yes To One Or More Of These Questions, Dr. Smith Can Help You!
I am frustrated by receiving only "temporary" relief, if any, from previous health care practitioners, especially considering the time, money and effort I invested in their services.
Because of the above, I am now skeptical about whether you, Dr. Smith, can really help me.
I really want to get to the cause of my health challenges and improve my health, once and for all.
I want to learn how to stay healthy, slow down the aging process and prevent disease.
I have been taking vitamins, minerals and other food supplements for some time, yet something is still missing, as I am either getting no benefit, little benefit or not getting "the" benefits I expected from them.
I have (or have not) taken food supplements and I see the value in being tested for what I need, rather than guessing based on my symptoms. I recognize that guessing puts me at risk of taking the wrong supplements, causing more health challenges due to altering or manipulating my biochemistry with the wrong supplements and delays getting to the true cause to heal my mind and body.
I react to drugs or do not like to take drugs because of their harmful side effects and would like to learn how to treat my body using herbs, homeopathics, vitamins and minerals for short- and long-term health care needs and thus, limit drug therapyto hospital use in a life-threatening emergency. (Note: Drug Side Effects are actually the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and toxicity (poisoning) in the cells, tissue and organs/glands caused by the chemicals in drugs.)
Thank you for visiting my website and subscribing to my newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you soon so I may have the privilege of also helping you improve your health, show you that your thoughts about there being a safe and effective way to heal your body without drugs is correct and prove to you that what I say is the truth and based on scientific testing and successful clinical experience helping our clients, since 1981!" Welcome to Advanced Clinical Nutrition!
Dr. Donna F. Smith
Dr. Smith Answers the Five (5) Most Frequently Asked Questions!!!
What Does have to offer ME?Exactly What You Need To Improve Your Health No Matter What Your Current Health Challenge! For "How we do this, "read "What Is Advanced Clinical Nutrition?" and "Summary of Our Services" below.
What Will It Cost Me? As little or as much as you want to invest in improving your health. We tailor our services to what you need OR what you want to invest in improving your health. Sometimes what people need is not what they want to invest. Sometimes people want to start with less than they need to experience the some initial benefits of our services before they are ready to invest in all they need. "It does not matter where you start, what matters most is that you start."
What Benefit Will I Receive From Your Services?We will be your last stop in seeking ways to improve your health and/or trying to figure out what vitamins and other food supplement you actually need. You will increase your energy, lose or gain weight (whichever applies to you), balance hormones (thyroid, adrenals, female/male), strengthen your bones, muscles and joints, become over-all body pain free, improve sleep, restore function to your organs/glands (brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, heart, gall bladder, small/large intestines, etc.) and body systems (immune, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatics), stop headaches, calm your nerves, enhance memory, concentration and recall, end depression and anxiety, correct food allergies and learn how to treat environmental allergieswithout drugs, improve eyesight and hearing, have healthier hair, skin and nails, and much more! And not just for awhile, but for the rest of your life.
How Soon Will I Start Feeling Better? 3-6 weeks for most clients; some sooner.
Why Should I Believe You? I cannot ask you to "believe" what I am saying. However, I can ask you to "prove" that what I am saying is true by experiencing the above for yourself and the only way you can do that is to become a client. What I am sharing here, and throughout this website, is my clinical knowledge and observations, since 1981, and what thousands of clients have reported to me, who had the same health challenges as you, when they first contacted me. So I am confident that I can do the same for you and by becoming a client, you will soon experience that confidence, too.
Videos - Hair Restoration / Cancer / Avoid Vaccinations Click here
Slide Shows - Our Toxic World / Allergies / Drug Dangers Click here
Drugs vs. Supplements (Dangers vs. Benefits) Click here
Then Click on PDF What's Inside Our Cells Proves Drugs Don't Heal! Click here
Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies feel the same as symptoms of disease.
Therefore, when medical exams and tests are "normal," this means you are experiencing the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, which have not yet progressed to the disease state.
Therefore, a Clinical Nutrition Analysis will identify the causes of your nutritional symptoms.
Symptoms caused by "clinical" and "sub-clinical" nutrient deficiencies feel the same as symptoms of disease, yet they are not identifiable by a medical interpretation of laboratory testing.
Dr. Smith has over 90% success assisting clients in improving their health, no matter what their current health challenges!
What Is "Advanced Clinical Nutrition (ACN)?" (est. 1981) Vitamin Deficiency Testing, Therapeutic Supplement and Dietary Programs Based on Test Results
Vitamin, Mineral and other Nutrient Deficiency Testing is a Clinical Nutrition Analysis (or interpretation) of Laboratory Testing (blood, urine, saliva, hair, etc.) to identify Nutrient Deficiencies for individuals of all ages and for groups.
All services by U.S. mail. E-Mail and Telephone Consultations. Lab Kits mailed to our clients so they may collect specimen samples and mail to our Labs. Labs analyze samples and send Laboratory Reports to Dr. Smith.for her analysis of Lab values.
Then based on test results, Dr. Smith designs personalized, Therapeutic, Whole Food Supplement, Dietary and Lifestyle Programs to improve and maintain optimal health, no matter what the current health challenges.
Programs are designed to assist the mind and body in cellular and tissue repair, healing and regeneration (i.e.. to grow new healthy cells ) and coach clients on how to assist their body in this healing process so they may become healthy and be healthy for the rest of their lives.
Acid Reflux? ADD OR ADHD? • Allergies? Anxiety? • Diarrhea? Gas? • Headaches? Migraines? • Hair Loss? Grey/White Hair? Heartburn? • Hormone Imbalance? Immune Dysfunction? • Indigestion? Irritability? • Joints and Muscles Ache? Low Concentration? • Low Energy? or Endurance? Memory Loss? • Mood Swings? Nails (Fingers/Toes) Fragile? • Obesity? Panic Attacks? Sleeplessness? • Nutrition-Related Diseases, such as Cancer? Diabetes? Heart Disease? etc. or Other Health Challenges?
Are You Interested in Anti-Aging? Anti-Grey Hair Solutions?
• You, too, Can Feel Better in Just 3-6 Weeks!
General Public Lacks 50-70% Of The Knowledge They Need to Assist Their Body In Healing Itself and Staying Healthy!
"Since 1981, I have surveyed each new client to assess their current level of knowledge in:
how the body heals,
what is required of them to assist their body's innate healing process
what lifestyle practices interfere with their body's healing process,
and what is required to maintain health.
My survey of new clients, which also represents general public, revealed their level of knowledge is only 30-50% of what they must know to become and stay healthy.
This 50-70% lack of knowledge is what is causing them to create their illnesses and diseases.
This is why in addition to clinical testing to identify the causes of their health challenges, personalized dietary and lifestyle education is an essential part of each client's therapy."
WHETHER YOUR INTENTIONS ARE TO IMPROVE OVERALL HEALTH TO BECOME & STAY HEALTHY OR A ONE-TIME ACUTE PROGRAM DR. SMITH CAN HELP YOU! ♥ What is an Acute Program? A one-time therapeutic program to address the causes of intense symptoms, that generally surface unexpected.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
.NET 8/22/18
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of some website addresses as an attempt to designate "secure" vs. "unsecure" website. They are particularly interested in adding padlocks to website to assure the public that websites with shopping carts are secure for financial transactions, and not so much as a way to say the website is free of malware.
Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.