ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
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Was Your Score "O" or Which "Range of Numbers" Below Includes Your "Grand Total Score" on your completed Toxicity Questionnaire?
The individual scores for each section on the Toxicity Questionnaire will inform you of the areas of the body that are suffering the most from symptoms of Toxicity and the adverse affects of the various Stressors.
To identify your Stressors, complete the Stressor Opinnionnaire. If you have not already evaluated your Stressors, refer a friend who subscribes to Dr. Smith's newsletter and you quality for the Stressor Evaluation.
Grand Total Score: 0
A Grand Total Score of "0" (zero) is a perfect score!, Congratulations! This means you currently do not have symptoms of toxicity. We are so proud of you!
To have a zero score, generally, means either you:
Have taken measures to eliminate Toxins and Stressors in your life, as recommended below or
You are young and have not lived long enough for your body to produce symptoms caused by the toxins you are ingesting and being exposed to each day, and from your Stressors.
As much as we would love to say that with no effort at all you will be able to maintain your perfect score, we know that this is not your reality, nor any one’s reality who is living today.
It is a fact that the earth has become increasingly toxic since the mid-to-late 1800’s. Today, chemicals, metals and other toxic substances are in medicines, food, air, water, the environment, as well as clothing, personal care products (skin, hair, nail and dental hygiene and health maintenance), home and work place furnishing, transportation and every other aspect of daily life.
Toxic substances:
Deplete nutrients from the cells and tissues in the mind and body,
Poison and damages the cells and tissue of organs, glands, and body systems,
Interferes with biochemical and metabolic processes,
Then over time leads to the accumulation (build-up) of toxic substances in the organs, glands and body systems, which then causes them to become more severely dysfunctiional prior to causing disease, and premature death.
So the question is not whether you will or will not experience toxicity-related symptoms (illnesses and diseases), the question is “when” you will experience them. That is unless you take the appropriation action steps “today” to detoxify the build-up of toxins, thus far, replenish your nutrients, and eliminate toxicity from your current lifestyle.
Are you wondering “How?” Four Steps!
Complete Dr. Smith’s 30-Day “Full Body Detoxification Program” now, then every spring and fall each year after, to detoxify toxic substances you have ingested and been exposed to since the last Full Body Detox. More information on this has been provided below, as well as how to order, a "Full Body Detoxification (Cleanse) Program." (Children – 21 Days).
Full Body means - liver, gall bladder, bile duct, kidneys, bladder, stomach, duodenum, small intestines, large intestines and the lymphatic system. Most defoxification programs focus on liver and/or large intestines only.
Schedule Dr. Smith's Personal Education Program (PEP) - Dietary, Lifestyle, & Mind-Body Connection to be coached on how to:
Eliminate toxicity from your life - Hidden Toxicity is everywhere!
Protect yourself from exposures that you have no control over, such as when outside or in a building that does not provide effective air purification systems.
Eliminate “Stressors" - Symptoms and Disease occur more rapidly when the body is experiencing toxicity and stressors because both cause nutritional deficiencies throughout the body.
Schedule one Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith to learn about which two whole food supplements can be taken daily safely and effective to remove chemicals and metals ingested or exposed to daily. This helps you slow down accumulations until you have an opportunity to complete Step #1 and #2 above; and once in place, step #3 helps you avoid re-exposures when in toxic places that you have no control over.
Toxicity Self-Reevaluation - Complete the Toxicity Questionnaire, monthly, or at least every three months, for a Toxicity Self-Reevaluation to monitor your current perfect score. In other words, you have two choices today:
Be proactive and take the appropriate and timely action now to do the above so you can maintain a perfect score of zero OR
Be reactive and wait until the first time your Toxicity Self-Reevaluation Grand Total Score is over "0."
Keep in mind that being “reactive’ always costs more time, effort (tasks), energy and financial investment than being “proactive. And you suffer.
We are delighted that today you have no symptoms of toxicity. First because you are not suffering from symptoms of toxicity, and Second because you have the greatest opportunity to stay at the perfect score of Zero, i.e., FREE from symptoms of Toxicity.
When ready to order your 30-day Therapeutic, Whole Food Detoxification Program, follow the instructions in on this web page titled, "Ordering Instructions - Full Body Detoxification Program."
Grand Total Scores
01 to 20 - Mild 21 to 40 - Moderate 41 or Higher - Severe
Understanding The Grand Total Scores
To help you understand the scoring, please keep the following in mind:
"A poison is a poison is a poison," so even a small amount of poison or toxic substance in the human mind and body will have a severe damaging or adverse effect. If not immediately, then it will over time.
Also, number is relative. Some people contact me who may have few symptoms; yet they are very severe in frequency and intensity. So though this person may have a “Mild” score, they may be suffering more severely than someone who scored in the “Severe” range.
So the Score and designation of “Mild, Moderate and Severe” means:
The higher the score, the more symptoms of toxicity.
The higher the score the more areas of the body experiencing symptoms of toxicity.
Human cells produce symptoms when they are challenged in restoring “homeostasis” on their own. Homeostasis is perfect biochemical balance, i.e., the true definition of health. So when the body in unable to restore homeostasis it produces symptoms to get the attention of your conscious mind so you will take the appropriate action. That action is to investigate (test biochemistry, review lifestyle practices, etc. ) to identify the cause and then:
Provide what the cells need to heal themselves (i.e., the nutrients that test findings indicated were deficient, pure and sufficient water, etc.)
Remove what is interfering with their ability to heal themselves. (Detoxify Toxic substances and Remove Stressors, to name a few).
Or both.
When the cells receive what they need and/or whatever is interfering with their function is removed, the cells heal, repair, regenerate, restores homeostasis and symptoms naturally improve and then abate on their own.
Now, let’s look at each range of scores, separately.
01 to 20 - Mild
A Grand Total Score of 1-20 (Mild) means:
Toxic substances have been present long enough that:The symptoms you have are communicating which organs, glands and/or body systems that have these nutrient deficient cells.
Nutrient deficiencies are occurring at a cellular level.
Cells that are nutrient deficient are unable to repair the damage by these poisons and/or grow new cells to replace them.
Therefore, the following are indicated:
Obtain Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy to identify and restore nutrients that are deficient will allow you the opportunity to reduce this score to "0" (i.e., become symptoms free) with less time, effort and energy and financial investment, than it would take if your score was higher.
Follow the instructions outlined in #1 to #3 in the Grand Total Score of Zero to remove the toxins and prevent recurrence.
Doing the above now, will also prevent these deficiencies from getting worse and/or causing more symptoms, which in time will raise this score to the next higher score range.
21 to 40 – Moderate
A Grand Total Score of 21-40 (Moderate) means:
Toxic substances have been present long enough that:The symptoms you have are communicating which of the organs, glands and/or body systems that are experiencing these biochemical imbalances.
Nutrient deficiencies are occurring at a cellular level.
Cells that are nutrient deficient are unable to repair the damage by these poisons and/or grow new cells to replace them.
And nutrient deficiencies and toxicity are interfering with biochemical (and metabolic) processes and function.
Therefore, the following are indicated:
Obtain Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy to identify and restore nutrient sufficient and biochemical balance thus allow you the opportunity to reduce this score to "0" (become symptom free) with less time, effort and energy and financial investment, than it would take if your score was higher. However these investments will be more than if score was 1-21.
Follow the instructions outlined in #1 to #3 in the Grand Total Score of Zero to remove the toxins and prevent recurrence.
Doing the above now, will also prevent these deficiencies from getting worse and/or causing more symptoms, which in time will raise this score to the next higher score range.
41 or Higher – Severe
A Grand Total Score of 41 or Higher (Severe) means:
Toxic substances have been present long enough that:The symptoms you have are communicating which organs, glands and/or body systems are dysfunctional.
Nutrient deficiencies are occurring at a cellular level.
Cells that are nutrient deficient are unable to repair the damage by these poisons and/or grow new cells to replace them.
Nutrient deficiencies and toxicity are interfering with biochemical (and metabolic) processes and function.
And these biochemical imbalances have been occurring long enough that they are now interfering with the function of the organ, gland and/or body system where these imbalances are occurring.
Therefore, the following are indicated:
Obtain Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy to identify and restore nutrient sufficient, biochemical balance and organ, gland and/or body system function, thus allow you the opportunity to reduce this score to "0" (become symptom free) with less time, effort and energy and financial investment, than it would take if your score was higher. However these investments will be considerable more than if score was less than 40.
Follow the instructions outlined in #1 to #3 in the Grand Total Score of Zero to remove the toxins and prevent recurrence.
Doing the above now, will also prevent these deficiencies from getting worse and/or causing more symptoms, which in time will raise this score to the next higher score range.
Note: To the degree that your score is higher than 40, for example, 60, 75, 100, 150 etc., you may also be experiencing the diseases in the organs, glands and body systems presenting the symptoms. Disease is the last stage of the degenerative process that begins with nutrient deficiencies and toxicity. Then progresses to biochemical imbalance, then organ, gland and body system dysfunction, which in time, progresses to the severe stage of disease.
However, again if you follow the above steps for your Score Range, even if you are in the disease stage in one or more organ, gland or body system, it is possible to restore the health of the organs, glands and/or body systems experiencing disease.
It is important to note that there is a point of no return, where you have waited too long to restore your health completely. Our experience has been, however, that many people think they are at this point of no return just because they have been diagnosed with one or more disease, especially when they have been told by their physician that there is no “cure” for their disease.
However, when the body is provided the nutrients the cells need to heal, repair and grow new healthy cells, and toxins are removed from the body, both of which assist the body in balancing biochemistry and restoring organ, gland and body system function, the body can heal itself of disease.
To neglect to do the above, though, diseases will become worse until they do reach that point of no return and death ensues.
Additionally, the longer you wait to restore nutrient sufficiency, remove toxins, and balance biochemistry so your organs, glands and body systems can function healthfully again, there is also the risk that though you may improve these various stages of degeneration, you may not be able to improve them sufficiently to become 100% symptom free.
However, in these latent cases, where the clients may not be able to become 100% symptoms free, but they are able to become 80%, 90% or whatever degree of improvement they are able to attain, these clients are often amazed that they experienced this high of a degree of improvement through Clinical Nutrition Therapy.
Why? Because until they started Clinical Nutrition Therapy, they thought they would live the rest of their life in an unhealthy state, taking many drugs to suppress their pain and other symptoms associated with their disease. For some, their disease had become so severe that even drugs could not suppress their pain and other symptoms any longer, and they felt they were just waiting out their time in severe pain until they would die.
So it is important to understand that when a patient is diagnosed with a disease, and told by their physician that it is incurable, this only means drugs and surgery won't cure it.
The human body is capable of healing itself of any disease when:
Provided the nutrients it requires to heal, repair and regenerate new healthy cells and tissue.
It is free of toxicity,
You have removed any other interference that inhibits its ability to heal.
And you do the above before your health has degenerated to the point of no return.
So, get started today by calling (940) 761-4045 and scheduling your FREE Inquiry Consultation with Dr. Smith to discuss your current Toxicity Evaluation Score and develop a plan to do the steps discussed under the Score Range that applies to you.
You can save time at your Inquiry Consultation by clicking her to complete the Inquiry Questionnaire.
ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Full Body Detoxification Program ♦ Clinical Nutrition Testing & Therapy
Please complete the Inquiry Questionnaire to save time at your Free Inquiry Telephone Consultation.
Then call (940) 761-4045 to schedule this appointment with Dr. Smith.
Please fax, scan and e-mail or USPS mail a copy of your completed Toxicity Questionnaire prior to the Inquiry Telephone Consultation for Dr. Smith so she can review your individual answers, sub-totals and grand-total.
Our fax is (940) 761-4405.
Mailing address is Advanced Clinical Nutrition, 4202 Picasso Drive, Wichita Falls, Tx 76308.
We highly recommend selecting the "Stress Evaluation" as your next FREE Evaluation when a a family member or friend referral also subscribes to Dr. Smith' s newsletter. Why? Because Stressors, like Toxicity, are another major cause for nutritional deficiencies and interfere with the body's ability to heal.
Dr. Smith and her staff look forward to assisting you in:
Detoxifying the poisonous substances causing your current symptoms of toxicity.
Coach you through our Personal Education Program (PEP) on how to:
identify sources of toxicity (especially, hidden toxicity) ,
how to eliminate toxic substances from your life, and
what to do if you have no control over exposure (like the pollution in air when outside),
Preventing toxic accumulations from re-exposures,
What To Do when your work environment exposes you to toxic substances.
How to improve and restore the healthy function of the organs, glands, and body systems adversely affected by toxicity.
and more.
Full Body Detoxification (Cleansing) Program
After completing your first 30-Day Full Body, Whole Food, Therapeutic Supplement and Dietary Program, repeat this every Spring and Fall to remove toxins you have ingested and been exposed to since the last program.
Differences Between Dr. Smith’s Therapeutic Detoxification Program and Over-the-Counter or By Mail/Online Detoxification Formulas
To effectively detoxify toxic substances at the cellular level you require “therapeutic” supplements, which are only available through nutritional practitioners, like Dr. Smith.
Detoxification formulas sold directly to the public often contain synthetic and/or isolated vitamin and minerals, as well as low potency herbs.
Detoxification formulas sold directly to the public often focus only on the liver and/or large intestines. Dr. Smith’s Therapeutic Full Body Detoxification Program removes toxins from the:
Gall Bladder,
Bile Duct,
Small Intestines,
Large Intestines,
The Lymphatic System,
And the Elimination Pathways between these organs and glands.
Dr. Smith’s 30-Day Full Body Detoxification Program is equivalent to the progress and improvement that would, otherwise, require three months on a Therapeutic Supplement Program.
When ready to order, your 30-day Therapeutic, Whole Food Detoxification Program, follow the Ordering Instructions above.
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Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
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and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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