ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
Defining The Difference Between
the accurate measurement (test value) of the individual's actual biochemistry (human and animal) from Laboratory Testing of blood, urine, saliva, stool, and/or hair. A Clinical Nutition Analysis of your test values on the Laboratory Reports are based on ranges for homeostasis (the true definition of health).
based on scientific studies of human (or animal) populations. In other words, Dietary or Nutritional Evaluation (or Assessment) is based upon scientific research derived from anthropometric and other measuring techniques. For example, a scientific-research study based on the diet, nutritional factors and/or symptoms for a population of men, women or children of the same height, weight, body structure or composition, and lifestyle factors.
We have several types of scientific study-based Nutritional Evaluations, from which your therapy can be designed for a minimal fee. For examples:
Health Concerns- A Nutritional Evaluation may be performed on your priority Health Concern. A health concern may be a symptom or an area of the body producing one or more symptoms.
Body Systems - A Nutritional Evaluation may be performed for your body systems to determine the priority order in which each body system (and their organs and glands) should be nutritionally supported. For example: This Nutritional Evaluation may determine that you require therapeutic supplements for your Nervous System (Brain and Nerves), first, Circulatory System (Heart, Veins, Blood), second, and so on. By supporting the body systems in the right order, you save money and heal faster.
Medical Diagnosis - A Nutritonal Evaluation may be provided for the design of a dietary plan and therapeutic supplement program for your current physician, psychiatric, chiropractic or other doctor's diagnosis(es) to heal faster and more completely than what your body could do on its own, as well as to speed recovery from surgery.
Drug Prescriptions - A Nutritional Evaluation may be provided for the design of a dietary plan and therapeutic supplement program to replenish the body with the nutrients depleted from the specific prescribed, over-the-counter, direct mail or online drugs you are taking, as well as support the cells, tissue and organs/glands to reduce drug side effects, i.e., reduce damage due to chemicals in drugs, etc.
(Note: As a Newsletter Subscriber and by referring others to subscribe, you also qualify for up to four FREE Nutritional Evaluations - more information to the right. Also, once you receive your Newsletter Subscriber Passcodes, you may may click here for details.)
Do You Need To Complete Evaluations Before Testing?
No. A Clinical Nutrition Analysis from testing your blood, urine, hair, saliva and/or stool will scientifically confirm the population findings of each of the Evaluations as it relates to your "individual" biochemistry. So testing is most specific to your "individual" needs. Also, when ordering any biochemical test (blood, hair, etc.), you are provided a Nutritional Evaluation at no additional charge.
Dr. Smith provides the option for choosing a fee-based "Nutritional Evaluation" first, before or instead of testing, for those who are not ready to financially invest in having their biochemistry tested. In this way, everyone, no matter what their income, has the opportunity to start Clinical Nutrition and Naturopathic Therapy. Because a Nutritional Evaluation does not require the cost of paying a Laboratory to analyze your specimen of blood, hair, urine, saliva or stool, a Nturtional Evaluation can be provided at a reduced financial investment, yet the Clinical Nutrition and Naturopathic Therapies you receive, such as, a dietary plan and therapeutic supplement program, is still designed from a scienfically-based Evaluation.
Therefore, receiving a Clinical Nutrition Evaluation of your nutritional requirements is as close as you can scientifically get, without actually testing your own biochemistry -- which is testing for "exactly" what you require as an individual person.
Therefore, though both are based on scientific research....Testing your biochemistry will always be the most accurate method for identifying your exact individual needs, and Evaluations will be the second best. .
TESTING? OR GUESSING? 14 Consequences of Choosing Vitamin Supplements or Making Any Health-Related Decision Based On Symptoms Alone! In the comparison below, read #1 in each column, then #2 in each column, etc.
Relies on Science (nutritional biochemical laboratory testing).
Provides Actual and Accurate Self-Knowledge.
Eliminates 3rd, 4th or Other Source-Guessing Advice (Your Own Test Results Identifies Your Needs).
Promotes Making The Right Decisions About Your Health, because your choices in what to eat, drink,
which vitamins, minerals or herbs are identified through test results.
Gets Right To Cause The First Time, Every Time.
Symptoms leave as a result of taking the right vitamins or other nutrients that get to the cause (deficiencies), so the body heals.
Creates Health when vitamin, mineral or other nutrient deficiencies or excesses are identified and corrected.
Enhances The Efficiency,
Function, Healing and Maintenance of the metabolism and biochemistry, thus
regenerates cells, produces health and prevents disease.
Nourishes and supports the innate healing system (autonomic nervous system) so it can direct the body in healing efficiently and completely.
Identifies the laws of biochemistry and quantum physics that govern the healthy function of the human mind and body, which have been neglected or abused.
Provides peace of mind and assurance that your choices and decisions are based on what your body actually needs.
Eliminates wrong choices and the stress to the body caused by them.
No Side Effects -- Testing Identifies Exactly What Your Body Needs To Correct the Cause Of Symptoms.
Because of the above, Testing saves a lot of time, energy and money.
***Taking responsibility for one's health is to research and read as much information available about one's health challenges. However, to truly be responsible is to "make decisions" based on testing, not general information that applies to a condition instead of your own unique body, i.e., your own biochemistry, biology and physiology, which can never be generalized or fit any information on-line, in a book or from another person's experience, even if there are similarities.
Relies On Chance
Promotes Errors from Lack of Self-Knowledge.
Promotes Errors from 3rd-Party unqualified advice, such as symptom-treatment matching from a book, internet search, any person or even another health care provider not trained in clinical nutrition and/or who did not assess vitamin deficiency testing prior to giving advice. (Refer to *** below)
Puts You At Risk Of Making The
Wrong Decisions About Your Health! For example, what to eat, drink,
which vitamins, minerals or herbs to take, etc.
Delays getting to the real cause, which then delays being healed and leads to more severe symptoms (health challenges).
Suppresses symptoms now, with isolated and wrong vitamins, instead of drugs.
Creates more vitamin and mineral or other nutrient deficiencies or excesses and, thus, more health challenges.
Adversely manipulates and stimulates the metabolism and biochemistry.
Interferes with the innate healing system (autonomic nervous system), whose job is to direct the body in healing itself, but gets manipulated or stimulated instead.
Interferes with the many other laws of biochemistry and quantum physics that governs the healthy function of the human mind and body.
Adds more stress to the mind caused by no assurance that choices are accurate.
Adds more stress to the body caused by the wrong choices.
Causes more symptoms due to any and all of the above.
Because of the above, Guessing wastes a lot of time, energy and money and perpetuates symptoms of organ/gland dysfunction, illness and disease.
Clinical Nutrition Testing is the most accurate scientific method for identifying your individual nutritional requirements,
a Nutritional Evaluation is the second best scientific method and
Guessing based upon symptoms is not a scientific method of evaluation. Guessing based on your symptoms cannot provide accurate data to identify the nutrtitional needs of the human body. However, improved symptoms are the first communication signs you receive that your Clinical Nutrition and Naturopathic Therapies are providing what your Testing and/or Evaluation indicated that your body needed.
A Disease Labeled As "No Cure" Simply Means "Drugs & Surgery" Won't Cure It! ff The human body is capable of healing itself of any disease and their symptoms, when you provide what it requires to do so.
To know what your body requires means Clinical Nutrition Testing or Evaluation!
Knowledge is power. The more you know about your mind and body, the more knowledge and thus power (or control) over improving and maintaining your health.
We highly recommend that you complete all four Evaluations. Whether you are ready to order a clinical nutrition analysis of your laboratory tests, or not, completing all four Evaluations will assist you in evaluating your diet, symptoms, the affects of stress and toxicity on your health, and whether you require vitamins and/or other food supplements. This covers some of the major factors causing illness and disease today.
Completing each Evaluation, along with your clinical nutrition analysis of your laboratory reports, will equip you and Dr. Smith with the most comprehensive information about both your "individual" nutritional biochemistry and how it compares to populations. (See below for information on how to obtain additional Evaluations.)
Completing even one of these Evaluations that have the following result is an indication of your need for vitamins and other food supplements for internal body detoxification and to increase nutrient levels to improve and maintain health, and to prevent or reverse the disease process. Then biochemical testing reveals the specific nutrients that are deficient and the specific areas in need of detoxification.
your diet is insufficient,
you have multiple symptoms of nutrient deficiencies,
either or both stress and toxicity are adversely affecting your health,
If you have been taking vitamins and wonder if you really need to supplement your diet, our FREE Evaluations will answer this question. Should your Evaluation results reveal this is a fact, it is important to keep in mind that you do not need just any vitamin(s) that you "think" you might need, you need vitamins (and other foods supplements) that are exactly what your body requires based on testing your biochemistry.
Additionally, if you have been taking vitamins for some time, your Evaluation results indicate how well , or not, they have been helping you and how successful, or not, you have been in choosing vitamins based on symptoms, alone, or what a book, sales person or other source has indicated that all people need.
The results from your Free Evaluations, also, gives you the confidence that you are making the right decision to obtain clinical nutrition testing, as this is the only way to know exactly what your body need.
With clinical nutrition testing, there is no guessing, and you no longer have to wonder if what you have been taking is what you need, or not. With clinical testing, you "know" exactly what your body needs.
Therefore, completing all of the Free Evaluations increases your ability to make "truly" informed decisions about our clinical nutrition and naturopathic testing services and any other health-related decision, and the more knowledge you provide, through completing additional Evaluations and actual biochemical testing, the greater Dr. Smith's ability to guide you on what you require to improve and maintain your health.
Deciding to order your clinical nutrition analysis of laboratory testing (blood, urine, saliva, hair, stool, etc.) is an important decision.
To make the right decision, one must be informed of all the facts. If you have been thinking of ordering your testing, but not yet sure, please read the following web pages and schedule an Inquiry Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith before making your final decision.
To make the best decision for yourself, it is important to consider what your current state of health is costing you, right now, in time, energy, money and suffering. Investing in your clinical nutrition program to improve your health will actually save you time, energy, and money, and avoids further delays in getting to the cause of your current health challenges and what is interfering with your body's ability to heal. When ready to have your questions answered by Dr. Smith specific to which clinical nutrition of laboratory testing you need (blood, urine, saliva, hair, etc.) to get to the cause of your current health challenges or if you are ready now, complete the Inquiry Questionnaire and then call (940) 761-4045 to schedule your Inquiry Telephone Consultation. At the end of your Inquiry Consultation with Dr. Smith, you will have all of the information you need to make a "truly" informed decision about ordering testing now, or not.
Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiencies Feel The Same As Symptoms of Disease
Therefore, when medical exams and tests are "normal," this means you are experiencing the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, which have not yet progressed to the disease state. Therefore, a clinical nutrition analysis will identify the causes of your symptoms.
Symptoms caused by "clinical" and "sub-clinical" nutrient deficiencies feel the same as symptoms of disease, yet they are not identifiable by a medical interpretation of laboratory testing.
STOP Guessing and START Testing
The important thing here is not where you start, but toSTOPguessing based on symptoms alone, andSTARTgetting scientific-based research behind the decisions you are making about what you eat and drink and the vitamins, minerals and other food supplements you take. Therefore, start today by choosing one of the following three options:
Scientific Testing of your biochemistry (blood, urine, hair, saliva and/or stool.), which includes a fee-based Nutritional Evaluation of all ten body systems at no additional charge. Click here for "Services and Fees."
Fee-Based Nutritional Evaluation of your priority Health Concerns, Symptoms, One or All Areas of the Body, Diagnosis (from your physician, psychiatrist, chiropractor, or other doctor), or based on your Drug Therapy (prescription, over-the-counter, direct-mail or online). Click herefor "Services and Fees."
OR start with your choice of one of four Free Evaluations, which you qualify for as a Newsletter Subscriber when you sign up for our FREEHealthQuest News e-Newsletter. Click heremore informaiton and to sign up.
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Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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