ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
Specialized Clinical Nutrition Support Programs We Have Clinical Nutrition Therapeutic Supplement Support Programs for over 800 Medical Conditions and Diseases
addition to the personalized Clinical Nutrition Programs Dr. Smith
designs for each client, based upon the testing of their own
nutritional biochemistry, Advanced Clinical Nutrition has
Specialized Clinical Nutrition Support Programs for over 800
nutritional health and medical challenges from Abdominal Pain to Yellow
Fever, i.e, from A-Z. If
you have been diagnosed with any medical condition, disorder or
disease, mentally or physically, we have a clinical nutrition support
program for it.
Additionally, it is important to know that all drugs, over-the-counter and prescribed, cause nutrient depletion and toxicity in the human mind and body, either of which, is the cause of the side effects of drugs. Unfortunately, the medical solution is to prescribe more drugs to suppress the symptoms of drug side effects, i.e., symptoms of newly created deficiencies and toxicity.
Therefore, it is essential that every person who chooses to use drug therapy be initially assessed for their nutrient deficiencies and toxicity levels, and then have their biochemistry nutritionally monitored and supported at the onset and for the duration of their drug therapy.
Otherwise, in time, these deficiencies and toxicities will cause new diseases, which the person, more than likely, would never have experienced had they chosen to get to the cause of their health challenges by obtaining a clinical nutrition analysis of their biochemistry to identify and, then, correct the cause of their symptoms, instead of choosing drug therapy to suppress their symptoms.
Some people get caught up in this medical drug therapy cycle of taking a drug for the side effects of the drug for the side effects of the original drug, until they are now taking 3-12 different drugs. How did this happen? They were not aware that the cause of their symptoms is nutrient deficiencies, toxicity an/or trauma, what is required to identify and correct the true cause, and they were told by well-meaning medical practitioners that drug therapy was their only resource for relief from their symptoms.
If this is your situation, contact Dr. Smith for a specialized clinical nutrition program to support your medical diagnosis to prevent further drug-related side effects from deficiencies and toxicity, and obtain a clinical nutrition analysis of the laboratory testing of your biochemistry, so you may begin a clinical nutrition therapeutic supplement and dietary program to improve and maintain optimal health as soon as possible, and stop this cycle. Thereby, preventing further pain, suffering, elective surgeries, as well as premature death.
Dr. Smith's Dysbiosis Restoration Program (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Smith is one of the few doctors in the U.S., who knows which herbs will
assist the body in growing its own intestinal flora again.
Most health
care practitioners, like Dr. Smith, recommend Probiotics, which is an
appropriate recommendation.
However, unless you help your body grow
its only intestinal bacteria (flora) again, you must take probiotics
for the rest of your life or suffer with symptoms of Dysbiosis (Leaky Gut Syndrome) as related above.
A Disease Labeled As "No Cure" Means "Drugs & Surgery" Won't Cure It!
When a disease is labeled, "no cure,"
what this really means is that the treatment of medicine, i.e., drugs
and surgery) cannot cure it.
The human body is capable of
healing itself of any disease. However, to do so your body needs three things from you to help it heal. What are they? Click here and read "The Body Needs Your Help To Heal" on the web page, titled, "Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire."
"Nature has provided what humans and animals need to live: Nature provides air to breathe, food from the land to eat, water from lakes and streams to drink.and water. It always made sense to me that the Intelligence behind the creation of Nature would have the intelligence and forethought to also provide what humans and animals needed to heal itself.
In 1975, I discovered my assumption was correct and I discovered what Nature provided. Along with these gifts from Nature (doing its part), also, came dependence and responsibility. I learned that to heal and maintain health with what Nature gave us to do so, also required three things (dependence) from humans (our responsibilities).
When we are knowledgeable about and responsible to do our part to provide what the body is dependent upon us to heal, the body does exactly what Nature designed it to do -- It heals Itself Of Any Illness or Disease!"
Dr. Donna F. Smith
each time a broad-scope antibiotic, NSAID, steroid, tetracycline, birth
control pills or hormone replacement therapy drug, to name just a few,
is taken, it will destroy the intestinal flora, causing what is termed,
"the leaky gut syndrome," or the scientific term is "Dysbiosis."
is the state in which the friendly bacteria in the intestines has been
destroyed. The purpose of this friendly bacteria or flora is to line
the colon to protect fecal matter, parasites, fermented or rotten,
undigested food particles
and other toxic substances from permeating through the intestinal wall
and getting into the blood stream. Once in the blood, the cells and
tissue becomes infected and inflamed, which then leads to auto-immune
syndromes and diseases, such as Chronic Fatigue, Lupus,
Auto-Immune Diseases and Dysfunctions, Candida (Yeast Overgrowth),
Parasite Proliferation, to name a few.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.