ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Research from 5 Nobel Prize Winners. Age Reversal by 5-30 years, so far. For Before and After Photos see Free Document Above. Note: There is no e-book for this Topic because we are providing the e-book (or article) freely by clicking on the PDF link to the right.
Information Advertisement, Benefits and Fees provided in the PDF File document. Most people think that FMS is a medical syndrome. However, it is actually a clinical nutrition syndrome. In this e-book, Dr. Smith provides scientific clinical nutrition education and studies not commonly known regarding the causes of FMS, such as the biochemical and bioelectrical causes and how to correct them, which makes Dr. Smith's e-book
Information Advertisement, Benefits and Fees provided in the PDF File document. This e-book provides the biochemical and bioelectrical causes of and solutions for grey hair -- making Dr. Smith's e-book a first of its kind. This program has evolved from decades of clinical nutrition observations and study. It also provides information on how to assist the body in the repair and regeneration of new healthy scalp and hair cells and tissue, which is foundational to improving the quality of the hair and growing new hair in its natural color. Therefore, Dr. Smith's program is, also, a solution for hair loss, hair thinning, dull, dry hair; even balding, for some. There are four parts to this program, which provides a comprehensive hair color restoration program. Click on PDF Document to learn more.
Information Advertisement, Benefits and Fees provided in the PDF File document. This e-book includes the dangers of and healthier alternatives for root canals, implants and filling cavities, coaches you how to help your regular dentist provide safer dental procedures, and contact information for trained holistic dentists. Information is provided on the biochemistry of dentistry with Clinical Nutrition Protocols to strengthen teeth and gums, heal abscesses and toothaches, gum diseases, etc., as well as how to identify and reverse adverse affects on other areas of the body caused by standard dental procedures. It also provides dental hygiene product information for a healthy mouthwash that can be swallowed because it has many other internal healing benefits and link to the toothpaste Dr. Smith recommends to all of her clients. With this e-book, you also receive charts, diagrams, and other educational articles. Click on PDF Document to learn more.
Information Advertisement, Benefits and Fees provided in the PDF File document. This e-book shares the biochemical process of healing the body when suffering with Lymes Disease, provides an overview of the clinical nutrition approach to healing areas of the body adversely affected by Lymes Disease, and shares information on herbs and therapeutic whole food supplements to assist the body in digesting and then detoxifying germs from the body. When clinical nutrition therapy is added to medical treatment, the body will have fewer drug side effects, enhances without interfering with medical treatment, and slows down the adverse effects from Lymes and the medicines used in treatment. The Western Blot or ELISA Act are the two most commonly used tests for diagnosing Lymes, however, Dr. Smith shares information on a third test which should also be done with either the Western Blot or ELISA Act. The PDF Document to the right is currently being revised. Call (940) 761-4045 for information on this e-book.
Information Advertisement, Benefits and Fees provided in the PDF File document. This e-book provides information about the 15 false assumptions people make about vitamins and other food supplements; thus causing them to make uninformed and wrong choices. For example: Do you know the three ways supplements are manufactured? Do you purchase supplements by guessing based on your symptoms? If you said NO to the first and YES to the second question, you are at risk of: 1. Choosing the wrong supplement(s), 2. suppressing your symptoms instead of healing the cause, 3. causing more severe deficiencies instead of raising to sufficient levels, 4. adversely manipulating your biochemistry, 5. interfering with the metabolism of the vitamins and minerals 6. in time, previous symptoms may intensify or resurface , and 7. new symptoms will appear from creating new health challenges due to all of the above. How can you prevent choosing the wrong supplements? It is best to test before buy supplements! In other words, a clinical nutrition analysis of laboratory testing, such as blood, urine, saliva, hair or stool, whichever is required, will identify the nutrient deficiencies, biochemical imbalances and/or organs, glands and body systems that are in need of supplementation. Then you have scientific proof for which supplements are needed instead of guessing at what you think you need. Click on PDF Document to learn more.
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Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
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and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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