ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
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Are Your Daily Choices Creating Health or Causing Disease?
daily dietary and lifestyle choices are the primary determining factor
in the state of your health. This includes what you choose to be exposed to in your lifestyle (house, work and environment). Every moment of every day, you are making decisions. In the course of a day, you may be making healthy and/or unhealthy choices. Even some of the choices you think are healthy, are either not healthy or you do not have all the information you need to make this choice truly healthy. Therefore, each day, you are either promoting health or creating your own diseases by the choices you make. Ruling
out hereditary factors and accidentally injuries, which comprise 5%, Dietary, Lifestyle, Mental, Emotional and Physical Choices comprise the other 95% of the causes of
physical, mental and emotional illness and disease today.
What Is A Principle-Centered Lifestyle?
A principle-centered lifestyle is
one that adheres, harmoniously, to the principles or laws of
nutritional biochemistry, biology, physiology and quantum physics to
restore and maintain health throughout one's lifetime.
These principles are as fixed as the Law of Gravity.
Law of Gravity does not care if you believe in it, know about it,
adhere to its law, neglect or ignore it.
he Law of Gravity does what
it is innately and divinely designed to do regardless of the knowledge,
compliance or attitudes and beliefs of the human being.
Having the
knowledge of this law allows you to protect yourself from injury. Ignorance or neglect to adhere to this law results in injury.
Every day, people are unaware or neglectful of the principles or laws that govern the healthy function of their body --
such as those that govern the healthy function of their digestive
systems, immune system, brain function, liver function, etc.
Dr. Smith has designed over 100 PEP Sessions to coach clients in the principles or laws of biochemistry, biology, physiology, bio-electricity (Nervous System), quantum
physics and psychology to assist them in developing a
principle (law) - centered, healthy lifestyle to flow in harmony
with these principles to promote health. Dr. Smith has simplified
these laws/principles and how to apply them to each person's unique
lifestyle and health goals.
Otherwise, their lifestyle is working against these principles and thus, they are creating their own illnesses and diseases.
The principle of "cause" and "effect" is also evident. Ruling out true hereditary factors and unavoidable accidental injuries, the
illnesses or diseases each person experiences are the "effect" from the direct "cause" of the person's lifestyle practices working against (lack of harmony) the
principles of nutritional biochemistry, biology, physiology and quantum
physics, etc.
Specifics on Personal Education Program (PEP), PEP Session and PEP Article?
Within each of the 100 plus PEP Sessions introduced above are supportive PEP Articles that comprise each session.
PEP Articles provide written instructions, education and tips for implementing and integrating each principle (or law) into your daily lifestyle.
Each Personal Education Program PEP) is a series of PEP Sessions related to a specific topic of education.
The three Personal Education Programs provided for all new
clients are listed in the next sections of this web page. Therefore the
specific PEP Sessions with supportive PEP Articles have been
systematically and sequentially organized and then presented for each of
these three topics. . These three Personal Education Programs include:
4-6 Hours of Telephone consultations with Dr. Smith.
Consultations are provided to coach clients in information specific to their personal education needs to help them improve their health and any other
information on principles (or laws) and practical application that cannot be provided in writing.
Consultations include coaching on the principles they do not know and consistently implementing this new education and what they do know.
The number of hours required for each client is dependent upon their
current level of knowledge on the subject and whether they need help in
consistently applying what they know.
Clients may choose 30- or 60-minute Telephone Consultations, which are scheduled weekly until the client has completed their Personal Education Programs.
PEP Articles on the specific topic, which clients receive before or after Consultations, depending upon the PEP Article.
Personal Education Program Feedback Form and Checklist to assist client and Dr. Smith in monitoring progress in implement principles and education.
At the conclusion of all three Personal Education Programs below, clients receive:
A Certificate of Completion for 16-18 hour of Scientific Principles, Education and their Implementation.
A Physical Examination Form, which they can complete monthly or quarterly to monitor their health and the health of other family members, which provides the best tool for:
Health Maintenance and Prevention - Allowing our clients to monitor the results of their daily choices so they can adjust dietary, lifestyle and mind-body practices to assure health maintenance and disease prevention
And if they neglect or are unable to make the adjustments this Physical Exam Form is the "earliest" possible detection of:
Nutritional Deficiencies, Biochemical Imbalances and Organ, Gland and Body System Dysfunctions, so they know when they need Dr. Smith's help and/or
Medical Conditions, Disorders, Syndromes and Diseases, which may require medical intervention.
Completing the below three PEPs resultsin rarely needing any other single PEP Session or Series of PEP Sessions (i.e.,PEP Program).
Other Family Members in the same financial household (Age 12 or higher) may attend our client's Telephone Consultations to receive this education, at no additional charge. This also helps our clients create a family support team, which leads to consistent implementation of principles, education and practices, even faster.
PEP - Dietary Education
The principles of Dietetics (i.e., dietary principles), biochemistry, metabolism, biology. physiology and psychology that governs the healthy function of the Upper and Lower Gastro-Intestinal Systems, the organs and systems responsible for digesting, absorbing, assimilating, and transporting food from your diet to the cells, and the elimination of food waste, are the topics of this Personal Education Program.
Many people mistakenly believe that eating healthy foods is all there is to a healthy dietary lifestyle. Even if you eat the healthiest foods, If your dietary practices do not
adhere to these principles, your cells will not receive or be able to
use the nutrients from your healthy foods. When cells do not receive or cannot use nutrients, they decay, then die and cause dysfunction in the organs, glands and body systems where these dead cells exist. Where there are more decayed, dying and dead cells than healthy cells an organ, gland or body system, it then becomes diseased.
Our New Client Surveys (since 1981) indicate
New clients know only 30-50% of the information presented in the Personal Education Program.(PEP) for Dietary Education.
Consistently apply even less of what they do know within this 30-50%.
Therefore, 50-70% of information in this Personal Education Program for Dietary Education that new clients do not know, plus the percentage of the 39-50% that they know, but are not consistently applying are the causes for their current symptoms, health challenges and diet-diseases.
The PEP - Dietary Education Program also includes how to consistently implement the client's Dietary Plans, which have been designed based upon the test results from a Clinical Nutrition Analysis of their Laboratory Reports (blood, urine, hair, saliva and/or stool.)
PEP - Lifestyle Education
The biochemical, bio-electrical, biological, psychological, physiological and quantum physics principles that relate to the client's lifestyle are presented in this program. In other words, education on principles and lifestyle practices that are not "diet-related."
Many people mistakenly believe that exercising and hygiene are there is to a healthy lifestyle. However, these are only 2 of 45 different lifestyle practices that must be integrated ito actually have a "healthy" principle-centered Lifestyle. The lack of education and integration of any one or more of these 45 are causing and/or contributing to your current symptoms, health challenges and lifestyle-related diseases The more of these 45 that are not currently included in your lifestyle, the more severe are your symptoms, health challenges and diseases.
.Our New Client Surveys (since 1981) indicate
New clients know only 2-5 of the 45 lifestyle practices presented in the Personal Education Program.(PEP) for Lifestyle Education.
Most clients do not consistently apply the 2-5 that they know. .
Therefore, new clients have not received the education or assistance in application for the other 40 lifestyle practices. This is because Public Health Education is centered on medical first-aide, drugs, and surgery., not dietary or lifestyle principles and practices.
PEP - Mind-Body Connection Education
The biochemical, bio-electrical, biological, physiological, quantum physics, and psychological (mental and emotional) principles that govern the healthy function of the mind and body are presented in this program. In other words,
education on the principles of the mind (mental and emotional) that can positively or adversely affect the health of the physical body and vice versa.
lifestyle practices that cause mental, emotional and physical stresses, imbalances and diseases and how to resolve them.
lifestyle exposures that cause mental, emotional and physical stresses, imbalances and diseases and now to resolve them.
understanding how the brain works (physiological operation), definition and purpose of the three parts of the mind (mental and emotional processes, so you can take control of your mind to attract what you want to be, do and have (your heart's desires, destiny, etc.), as well as avoid attracting and reinforcing what you do not want to be, do and have.
identification of each emotion, what each emotion is communicating and what to do to restore emotional balance immediately..
understanding the bio-electrical system of the body, what adversely affects its function and causes its related health dysfunctions and diseases.
much more.
If our Psychiatrist and Psychologists today were educated in the information in our PEP-Mind-Body Connection Education, they could educate their patients, and then actually resolve the mental, emotional and physical health challenges of their patients.
Then they would have consistent success in restoring mental and emotional balance in their patients, rather than just drugging them into a state of lethargy, helplessness and creating more mental, emotional and physical health challenges due to drug side effects.
They would avoid creating drug addicts of patients from prescribing their Psychotrophic
drugs.Click herefor the real purpose of the collaboration of the field of Psychology and Pharmaceutical Companies today. You will also learn how they come up with their psychological diagnosis for which they can then prescribe these addictive drugs and that their is no such thing as mental illness or disease, but all mental illness and diseases are caused by a "physical" condition related to nutritional deficiencies in the brain (a physical part of the body), toxicity (which includes the chemicals in their drugs), hormone or other biochemical imbalance, bio-electrical imbalance or dysfunction or some other Physical Cause affecting brain function and/or mental and emotional processes. .
Most people are reactionary in respect to their mental and emotional processes. In other words, when a belief or thought arises in their conscious mind or an specific emotion is felt, they react to it, rather than understand what their mind and emotions are communicating to them so they can take the appropriate action., which restores mental and emotional ease.
Our New Client Surveys (since 1981) indicate
New clients rarely know even one of the 60 principles and/or mind-body practices in the Personal Education Program.(PEP) for Mind-Body Connection Education.
Most clients are mentally and emotionally challenges to consistently apply what they know, if any, because they lack the knowledge or education of the other principles and practices they do not know.
Therefore, new clients have not received the education or assistance in application for 59 to 60 of these mind-body connections principles and practices. This is because Public Health Education is centered on medical first-aide, drugs, and surgery., not dietary or lifestyle principles and practices.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/06/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.